Trapped! (game show) Wiki

Episode Description 

This episode aired on the 29th of September 2007, as the first ever episode of Trapped!. The unfortunates in this episode were from Poplar, though The Caretaker mentions it as "East End of London".


  • Daisy (girl), she sleeps in the bath
  • Tyrone (boy), he keeps boogers under his bed
  • Emmy (girl), who was born with blue hair
  • Conor (boy), he is addicted to snails
  • Bethan (girl), she likes to lick her nose
  • George (boy), he's got two shadows

The Tower

 Floor 6

- Challenge Character: None

- Challenge: Black Widow

- Saboteur: Emmy

- Status: Challenge was failed. Saboteur was undetected.

- Voting: Daisy received 4 votes. Emmy received 1 vote. Bethan received 1 vote.

- Trapped: Daisy

- Details: None

- Daisy's last words: I think because they must have thought my hose was Emmy's hose.

 Floor 5

- Challenge Character: Phyllis and Madge

- Challenge: Feed Me Lies

- Saboteur: George

- Status: Challenge was passed. Saboteur was undetected.

- Voting: Tyrone received 4 votes. Conor received 1 vote.

- Trapped: George

- Details: There was 3 correct guesses, and 1 incorrect guess.

- George's last words: I think I failed because the questions were easy for the team, and they made up their answers quite quick.

 Floor 4

- Challenge Character: The Child-Eating Python

- Challenge: Snake Attack

- Saboteur: Bethan

- Status: Challenge was failed. Saboteur was undetected.

- Voting: Tyrone received 2 votes. Bethan received 1 vote. Emmy received 1 vote.

- Trapped: Tyrone

- Details: There was no correct guesses, and 3 incorrect guesses.

- Tyrone's last words: Bad, because I can't wash my hand.

Floor 3

- Challenge Character: The Gramaphone

- Challenge: Wicked Wardrobes

- Saboteur: Bethan

- Status: Challenge was failed. Saboteur was undetected.

- Voting: Emmy received 2 votes. Conor received 1 vote.

- Trapped: Emmy

- Details: None.

- Emmy's last words: A bit weird, and a bit lonely

Floor 2

- Details: Conor answered 4 questions correctly. Bethan answered 2 questions correctly. 10 questions were asked.

- Winner: Conor

- Bethan's last words: Well it's kind of scary, just by yourself. Yeah, it's just scary, really.

- Conor said: I'm free! You can't trap me!


  • This is the first episode to have an unfortunate be the saboteur twice.
  • Conor is the first male Unfortunate to escape the Tower, as well as the first one to escape to not be a Saboteur.
  • George is the first saboteur to fail to sabotage a challenge as well as the first saboteur to be trapped. (however he is not the first saboteur to be detected in a challenge). He is also the only male Unfortunate to be trapped in Feed Me Lies.
  • No saboteurs were detected in this episode, however George did fail to sabotage Feed Me Lies.
  • First appearances of Black Widow, Feed Me Lies, Snake Attack, Wicked Wardrobes and One Way Out and There Can Be Only One Winner.
  • Tyrone is the only unfortunate bitten by the snake trapped on Floor 4 to not be a saboteur
  • The Caretaker mentions his name being "mislost" to the audience in this episode, a fact which is brought up later in Series 3 Episode 9. Assuming "mislost" follows the same general rules as the mis suffix (Generally the act of failing to perform a certain task e.g. misbehave meaning the act of failing to behave.) Then the Caretaker by this logic should still know his own name as mislost would mean "The act of failing to lose something." (Though at the same time the Caretaker's unique language mannerisms is a recurring gag.)
  • In this episode, the counter used in a mental challenge to count how many good (the yellow/gold one at the top) and bad results (the red one at the bottom) is switched around in this episode (this is the only episode in which its done, but given this is the first episode which aired, its unknown whether this was a mistake or was done intentionally, but was changed for later episodes)
  • Daisy is the only female unfortunate to be trapped in Black Widow.
  • Emmy is the only female Unfortunate trapped in Wicked Wardrobes who was not the saboteur.

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TTV - Trapped! Full Episode - Series 1, Episode 1 (Poplar) -CBBC, 2007- @Trapped TV
